The Original VS Bushcraft Serbian Knives…
Forged Serbian Knife$135
Bushcraft Serbian Knife$145
What’s the difference?
Original Serbian Knife
Bushcraft Serbian Knife
Both are quite similar… If you want to use it in the kitchen or for barbecues, pick the handle that you prefer.
We would, however, recommend the Bushcraft version for heavy cutting since the edge thickness of the original version is not designed to cut harder ingredients 😉
What our customers are saying…

The best knife of this type I’ve ever had. Thank you all!

Quick delivery to the Netherlands.
Good quality knife with heavy body that handles quit nicely!
Great for meat/chicken and veggie’s, no regrets, great knife!

I make sauerkraut and usually slice the cabbage on a mandolin…But slicing with the Bushcraft Serbian Knife is so much more fun and you can make it so thin really the sharpest knife that I have…and nice people at the Damas very helpful thanks again

It’s not as sharp as i thought it would be, but otherwise i love it <3

First use very good sharp knife look foward to use ing again and again �

Sharp, beautiful, high quality 🙂 very, very good !!! Thank you