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5 Interesting Facts about Damascus Knives

If there is one thing we love, it is Damascus knives. In fact, you will find several Damascus steel knives in our collection. Besides having a rich history, Damascus knives are also stunningly beautiful and expertly crafted. For centuries, damask steel has been synonymous with luxury and quality and this is also true for a Damascus knife created today.

We would love to share our Damascus knife enthusiasm with you, which is why we have summarized 5 interesting facts about Damascus knives that you will want to hear. Some of these should surprise you, unless you are a Damascus knife collector and historian already.

#1 A Rich History

Damascus knives have a rich history stretching back centuries. They were first produced 2000 years ago, and have been well documented throughout history. They were often referred to as the steel of the ancients, and dominated the weapons industry for hundreds of years. The first noteworthy historical mention of Damascus steel was in the 11th and 12th century during the Christian crusades. These battles are where Damascus steel became well known. You may think this knife may have originated in Damascus but it can actually be traced back to India, where it is referred to as Telangana, Wootz, or Ukku steel. From there it settled in Damascus, Syria, where it got its name.

#2 The Origin of Damascus Steel

Around the time that Damascus steel emerged, Wootz steel was popularised in the Syrian city of Damascus. Wootz steel was imported from Persia and Sri Lanka, and molded into weapons in Syria. Their incredible strength and quality is what made them quite popular. Their use in battle is what makes their history so exciting, but it is the technology behind the creation of this knife that is really interesting. Whether you believe it appeared in 500 AD in India, or was discovered in Syria, this steel is simply exceptional. It stands to reason that any knife with a blade of Damascus steel is something you should cherish and invest in.

#3 Its Unique Design

What makes Damascus knives so lovely is the stunning, trademark pattern you can find along the blade. The dimpled, watery pattern is a result of not only the Damascus steel, but also the manufacturing process. Although the metal we craft today is not strictly Damascus steel, it is still created using billet welding which is what gives it the multi-patterned design we see in quality damask knives in our era.

Billet welding involves mixing a variety of alloys of steel and/or iron together, by first welding them to each other and then folding the overall mass multiple times, giving you sandwiched layers fused alloys with different hues. The welding process can be altered to give you different patterns.

#4 How It Is Made

Pattern-welded steel is made by layering iron and steel, and forging the metals together by hammering them at high temperatures to form a welded bond. This can also be referred to as billet welding, which combines a variety of alloys, welding them to each other and then creating multiple folds to result in the unique marbling damask knives possess. A flux seals the joint to keep out oxygen. The steel is heated to anywhere between 1,500 and 2,000 Fahrenheit, that is between 850 and 1100 degrees Celsius.

#5 Modern Techniques

Because of the original method of forging Damascus steel knives, a new process was quickly invented that reduced the labor and cost. Fabricated Damascus is known as pattern-welded steel. The forging which consists of stacking and hammering two pieces of metal until it becomes one. The layers lead to a similar pattern to the original Damascus steel.


Damascus steel and Damascus knives are very special to us, because of the history but also the way we craft them. Each piece and every pattern is lovingly and expertly designed for a razor-sharp multi-functional blade, that will last decades. You really can’t have too many of them in your collection! Feel free to check out our website for our pattern-welded Damascus knives.

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